Ziad Mansour Mohamed HASSANIN

360 S 11th Street · San José, CA 95112 · (+1) 669-899-7110 · ziadmansour.4.9.2000@gmail.com -- ziadmohamed.hassanin@sjsu.edu

USAID Scholar; EducationUSA Ambassador; Junior Software Engineer; Doing SRE, Loves anything that scales. Generally interested in building and running Large Scale Reliable Applications, Monitoring, Data Infrastructure, and Streaming Systems. My lifetime goal is to make people's lives easier, safer, and smarter through technology.


In this Section of my portfolio, I will be showing links to code and videos of talks I have made. Hope to meet your expectations ^^

This is my final graduation project 🎓 for the Spring 2022 semester in CS159: Introduction to Parallel Processing at San José State University during my study abroad. I made a 25 minutes talk and a paper, I had the honor that my project was under the supervision of Prof. Robert K Chun. The paper aims to explain Python's and Go's way of dealing with concurrency and parallelism. With: a deep dive into Python and Go Internals.